A toothpick may hide tens of thousands of bacteria, and it is easy to get sick from the mouth, such as hepatitis B, tuberculosis and other diseases. Consumers should only pick one toothpick each time, and it will break after use to prevent secondary pollution, and throw it away after use.It is understood that the safety of зубочистки can arise in two stages. The first is the production stage. Due to the low technical content of toothpick production, most of the producers are family workshops, and the quality is difficult to guarantee. Sub-pollution.
Заходи безпеки:
1. Many people have the habit of picking their teeth with зубочисткипісля їжі. Вони не знають, що якщо неправильно чищити зуби або кожен день без розбору, проміжок між зубами стане більшим, а ясна пошкодяться. Навпаки, ефект захисту зубів не буде досягнутий.